was defeated|be defeat in English

was trounced, was made to give up, was subdued

Use "was defeated|be defeat" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "was defeated|be defeat" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "was defeated|be defeat", or refer to the context using the word "was defeated|be defeat" in the English Dictionary.

1. They refused to acknowledge defeat/that they were defeated/themselves beaten.

2. Synonyms for be Bested by include lose, be beaten, be defeated, suffer defeat, be the loser, capitulate, come off second-best, fail, fall and succumb

3. Can it be defeated?

4. The proposal was emphatically defeated.

5. She was defeated at the polls.

6. 13 The team was soundly defeated.

7. And the armada was actually defeated?

8. He can't endure to be defeated.

9. The only incumbent Independent was defeated.

10. 6 He can't endure to be defeated.

11. Ichiki's assault was defeated with heavy losses.

12. This was a highly creditable defeat.

13. All that stood against them was one man who could not be defeated in battle.

14. He was defeated with a knock out.

15. The army was demoralized by defeat.

16. He was narrowly defeated in the election.

17. The Confederacy was defeated by the northern states.

18. This was Wimbledon's eighth successive league defeat.

19. The proposed bill was decisively defeated in Parliament.

20. 19 He was narrowly defeated in the election.

21. It was a humiliating defeat for Callaghan.

22. It was the team's fourth successive defeat.

23. There was an inevitability about their defeat.

24. The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle.

25. Outmaneuvered and outgunned, the Spanish Armada was defeated.